-The Artist-
Romain Sepulcher aka Rom, born in 83 in Belgium, raised in Morocco and „matured“ in Barcelona. Where from? Neither here nor there … Without a flag, without prejudices, lover of that between us.
A life that has unknowingly led to create, in different ways … Going through furniture design, sculpture, graphic design, production, videography … He has always felt eagerness to transmit some message and concept. A path in which he has absorbed experiences, techniques, visions and he has learned to accept himself. Coming to painting, a discipline always present, but that he has dodged until he has matured to accept it and see it all . The purest way of conveying a message.
Leaving prejudice and age aside, there is a large gap in which to encompass more important problems. A twisted view of the world but retaining concepts of children.The hope of a better world, with more comfort and less distractions. Rome belongs to this „hegener generation“: grown among more traditional values but, inevitably, and like so many others, having „suffered“ this clash with a seemingly world devoid of values. A generation called to change the world and above all to respect it! Disenchanted with this reality, Rome looks for my own rules and ways of doing things.
With the concept „never grow up“ this world of the „politically correct“. A direct dialogue between conscious and unconscious, a struggle between what is established and what can be changed. A drawing of simple lines, which generates some space for the imagination. A drawing of that at first sight and it is intended to reflect the amount of information that bombard us daily.
More or less understandable, the lines are associated with anarchic way. In which every mind wants to find its own truth, its own way.
Contact and social media:
Email: romsep@gmail.com
Instagram: @ rom.barcelona
Facebook: Romain Sepulcher
-The Exhibition-
Too Much Information.
After spending a few years in the clouds and having long conversations with them. ROM comes to present some conclusions he came to.
We present some frames of the noise that surrounds us. A noise in the shape of information. An inhuman quantity of information, It ranges from the oldest knowledge to the new languages. The past, present and future of information in a same interval.
A new world that communicates again through symbols to a circle of communication and learning. Undefined symbols to show a loss in ancient faiths, empty space filled with information and misinformation, a gap waiting for possible beliefs or none.We present a frame of this noise in constant movement, a moment with all the sense and without any sense.
A moment in which each one wants to find its non-message, its not scenery, its everything in the nothingness.
Vernissage: 19:00 – 22:00 / 26.05.2018
Exhibition dates: 26.05.2018 – 20.06.2018
Location: AKA , Pflügerstraße 6, 12047, Berlin
Curated by: LMW
Date(s) - 26/05/2018 - 20/06/2018
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm